No matter what kind of situation you face or transaction you’re trying to complete, it’s important to have absolute trust and confidence in your attorney. Our mission at the Sneirson Law Firm is to provide effective, ethical representation to every client.
What Makes Us Different
When you hire an attorney, you’re forming a relationship with a stranger who can change or influence the next chapter of your life. Like finding the right car mechanic, at some point, you need to feel comfortable and trust that you’re in the right hands. Just like a mechanic, one attorney may see issues that another attorney may ignore or miss. We attorneys may share the same trade, but make no mistake, we don’t share the same quality. The difference in Sneirson Law Firm is always going above and beyond with your case like:
- Making the extra phone-call
- Driving instead of calling
- Responding immediately, rather than when it’s convenient

Alexander Sneirson
and Attorney-At-Law
Altruistic Outreach
We’re more than just
a law firm.
The Sneirson Law Firm has a commitment to the improvement of Massachusetts, the nation, and our world. Here are just a few of the ways we are making a difference.
Woman's Initiative
Pro Bono
Community Involvement
We love our clients

Samantha Marra

Jose Aponte

Susan LaRace
Let’s discuss your case during a free consultation.
Don’t worry about the cost. There’s never a charge for our initial meeting!